

Brewery Locator

An app that searches for local breweries

Default search is GPS based, and allows you to cycle through breweries within 50 miles of your current location, moving from closest to furthest.

You may also search for breweries in a specific US city

A client side YouTube clone

The is no back end to player, it stores local files in an array, and uses HTML5 video

If you wish to test player, you must provide your own video files. No files are provided in the repo

Right now it only serves as a video/audio player with basic functionality such as a playlist, random song, next song, and play pause function. You may also click in the playlist on the right to select a song. Other features such as likes and comments are not implemented





Remember Windows 95? This is a work in progress of everyone's favorite game

Trap bouncing balls in the play area by creating walls and confining the balls to an ever-smaller area

Be careful! if a ball hits your wall as it's being created, it will destroy the wall


A password genereator made as a proof of concept

Create psudo-random passowrds of a specified length, using specified character sets

Always remember to keep your passwords on a post-it note near your computer for maximum security!

Password Generator

Password Generator

Cheat Sheets 1

Class Cheat Sheets

A Cheat-Sheets Style Website for my Notes

I created an online referance point for the final copy of what I was learning at the time.

Easy referance point for both myself and classmates

Javascript based Quiz

The quiz uses a timer and records right and wrong answers

The final score is a based on a combination of the time taken and number of correct answers




Day Planner

Day Planner

The app stores tasks that it receives, persistant through page refreshes or browser shut downs.

It monitors the time of day, and highlights past, present and future.