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Here you will find various cheatsheets and code snippets to help throughout the course

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Everyone hates writing grids

Ever want to use BootStrap's grid system but don't want the weight of the entire BootStrap file?

This is bootstraps grid, and only the grid

Check out the source (bs 4.4.1)

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

Create a BAT file that runs multiple commands to make commits quicker (Windows)

  1. Creat a .bat file either using the command line (git bash touch)
  2. Add the following commands to the bat file using a text editor or code editor and save the file
  3. Store the .bat file in an accessible area (like the root of C:)
  4. From the command line navigate to the local folder your repo is stored in
  5. Call the .bat file using the entire path (ex: c:/bat-commit.bat)
  6. The .bat file will ask you to enter your comment
  7. Navigate to your repo's URL to make sure the commit went through

@echo off
git status
set /p comment="Enter Comment and press [ENTER]:"
git add .
git commit -m "%comment%"
git push origin master (Linux)

git status
echo Enter Comment and press [ENTER]:
read comment
git add .
git commit -m "$comment"
git push origin master

Make sure it is set as executable. If it doesn't want to run, try

>bash /path/