About Me

As a developer I like to tinker with code. It's not just a job for me, it's a hobby

I push my own boundries with development. While still in my first web development boot camp, we had a project which required us to call several APIs and build an app around them, this ended up being our Brewery Locator. I discovered early on that one of the APIs we selected didn't have quite the right functionality (Open Brewery Database), so I reached out to the developer on GitHub. He offered to write a new endpoint for us, but I decided to try it myself. Writing a few new lines of code was easy, even though I had never touched Ruby or ROR before. I had good sample code to referance, and google and StackOverflow on hand. Setting up the development environment took more time than I expected, and the instructions for importing the database failed. It took more hours than I signed up for, but in the end I wrote the by_postal endpoint and pushed the changes into production. We used the endpoint that I had written in our project, which we could now write exactly as we wanted to.

I love to code because each bit is a new challenge, with a new answer, that pushes you further into the depth of knowledge.