var car1 = { make: "Nissan", model: "240sx", engine: "LS" , trans: "t5-6", sisterCars:[], power: 800, weight: 2400, timeSlip: function() { return (Math.cbrt(this.weight / this.power) * 6.28).toFixed(2); //this. refrences the object that the function is in }, pastOwner: { name: "Lucas", modifications: [ "red top sr20t", "fresh paint", "s14 interior", "silvia front end swap" ] }, } var car2 = { make: "DSM", "model": "Eclipse", // we can surround with quotes if we want to engine: "4g63t" , // but don't have to trans: "FWD", "sister cars":["talon", "laser"], // if the string has spaces in it we need quotes power: 300, weight: 1800, timeSlip: function() { return (Math.cbrt(this.weight / this.power) * 7).toFixed(2); }, pastOwner: { name: "Johnna", "old mods": [ "rollcage", "clutch", "manual boost controller", "siren" ] }, } console.log(car1["make"]) //here we access a value through bracket notation console.log("the " + car1["model"] + " has " + car1["power"] + " horsepower") // same thing just a bit more complex console.log(car2["sister cars"]) // we have to use bracket notation if the name has spaces in it console.log(car1.timeSlip()) //we log out the product of the function timeSlip stored in car1 console.log("The " + car2["model"] + " makes " + car2.power + " hp and goes " + car2.timeSlip() + " in the quareter mile") console.log("the " + car2.model + " has " + car2["sister cars"].length + " sister cars") // you can access arrays and their properties console.log("the " + car1.model + " has " + car1.sisterCars.length + " sister cars") // same, but using dot notation where we can console.log(typeof car1.weight) // accessing properties console.log( //we can put objects within other objects and access them the same way console.log(car1.pastOwner.modifications.indexOf("fresh paint")) //accessing the properties of something buried deep in our objects console.log(car2.pastOwner["old mods"].indexOf("fresh paint")) // the same thing but with bracket notation (returns -1 because the item is not part of the array)